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    « My Blogging Z-List Meme »

    Mark Evans led me to, which led me to The Viral Garden, and the idea of a Z-List of Bloggers.  Although, truth be told, there are more than a few folks on the list below who have risen above the rank of Z Lister. :-)

    The idea is that publicizing Zlisters will pull more and more wheat out of the chaff, making a better experience for both writer and reader. Now that’s an appealing idea, akin to The Good Blogs (which, by the way, has over 11,000,000 blogs in it’s widget)
    Go ahead, copy the list into your own blog, add blogs that YOU like (try and stay away from the A-lister blogs, huh), and see what happens!

    The Idea Dude
    Steve’s Tech Journal
    Telecom Trends
    Ali Thinks
    I’m Not Bored
    A Rain of Frogs
    My Name is Kate
    Creative Think
    Movie Marketing Madness
    Blog Till You Drop!
    Get Shouty!
    One Reader at a Time
    Critical Fluff
    The New PR
    Own Your Brand!
    Work, in Plain English
    Buzz Canuck
    New Millenium PR
    Pardon My French
    Troy Worman’s Blog
    The Instigator Blog
    Diva Marketing
    Marketing Hipster
    The Marketing Minute
    Funny Business
    The Frager Factor
    Open The Dialogue
    Word Sell
    Note to CMO:
    That’s Great Marketing!
    Shotgun Marketing Blog
    Customers Rock!
    Being Peter Kim
    Pow! Right Between The Eyes! Andy Nulman’s Blog About Surprise
    Billions With Zero Knowledge
    Working at Home on the Internet
    MapleLeaf 2.0
    Two Hat Marketing

    The Engaging Brand
    The Branding Blog
    Drew’s Marketing Minute
    Golden Practices
    Tell Ten Friends
    Flooring the Consumer
    Kinetic Ideas
    Unconventional Thinking
    Conversation Agent
    The Copywriting Maven
    Hee-Haw Marketing
    Scott Burkett’s Pothole on the Infobahn
    Multi-Cult Classics
    Logic + Emotion
    Branding & Marketing
    Popcorn n Roses
    On Influence & Automation
    Servant of Chaos
    Presentation Zen
    Dmitry Linkov
    John Wagner
    Nick Rice
    CKs Blog
    Design Sojourn
    Frozen Puck
    The Sartorialist
    Small Surfaces
    Africa Unchained
    Marketing Nirvana
    Bob Sutton
    ¡Hola! Oi! Hi!
    Shut Up and Drink the Kool-Aid!
    Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together
    Community Guy
    Social Media on the fly
    Jeremy Latham’s Blog
    SMogger Social Media Blog

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    Reader Comments (14)

    Thanks for mentioning Flooring The Consumer!
    January 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterC.B. Whittemore
    Hi Jules,
    Thanks for the mention and best wishes!
    January 3, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermindblob

    What you say about aspiring to good conversations is what I've treasured since I can remember. Although I'm a marketer with solid communication skills, the important part of my work is creating a space where ideas and people connect-- possibly to make contact and a true difference in their lives, and in mine.
    January 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterValeria Maltoni
    Joined up with the Zlinkers from your list. Added a few of my own. It will be interesting to read the blogs on your list and see what great new things I find. :) I'm just a little addicted to blog gadgets.
    January 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLaura
    Hi, Jules .. thanks for including MyNameisKate on your list! I like your comment about adding blogs that YOU like. One of the things I really value about the people I read is that they also act as an editor for me ... and filters are a valued service in the info-glut world of today. Thanks! And Happy New Year! Kate
    January 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKate Trgovac
    Hi Jules ... I agree with Kate -- I trust the blogger that I read to filter the content for me ... It is a shame that most people don't explain why they chose their five ... sometimes the reason helps us find the gold that can be missed on a quick visit.
    January 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGavin Heaton
    Hey Gavin! That is a great idea - I will see if I can explain how my handful was chosen. It's funny what make people stick with a blog, through the thick and the thin ;-)
    Thanks for being part of the conversation!

    January 3, 2007 | Registered Commenterjules
    I must be an a-lister, ;)

    There are so many lists.

    I might just go into business making lists of lists!
    January 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJorge
    Thanks for the link.I like this idea - a lot.
    Gotta go do the work thing now, but will definitely hop on the bandwagon tonight when the dust settles
    January 4, 2007 | Unregistered Commentertrev
    Wow, I'm honored to be on top of your list! You bring so much energy and enthusiasm to your blog. There's always a reason to smile after every visit. Happy New Year. Vern.
    January 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterVernon Lun
    While I recognize some of the names on the list, I'm looking forward to spending some time checking out many others. cheers, Mark
    January 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMark Evans
    "Never underestimate the power of a small group of dedicated people to change the world. Indeed, it's all that ever have."

    by Margaret Mead

    The Z-list is the embodiment of this quote. Thanks for adding us.

    written by Mark Stevens the author of:
    January 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterChris
    Thanks for posting the z-list Jules and stopping by One Reader - what fun this has turned out to be. It inspires me to keep blogging!
    January 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBob Glaza
    Hey Bob! You're welcome - and thank *you*! :-)

    Blog away!
    January 11, 2007 | Registered Commenterjules

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