Bits of Stuff
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    opening pandora's box....

    … oh god. it’s amazing.  go to

    you will love it. 

    in a nutshell, it helps you adventure into music you may not have heard before.  all you do is plug in an artist or a song you like, and pandora will create a full radio station of songs/artists that are similar… it’s all streamed, and the quality is outstanding.  i am addicted. woke up early to listen :-)



    creepy movie of the month....

    so i have just about exhausted my fill of christmas movies, so when i had a chance to record and watch ZERO DAY today, whilst wrapping pressies, I took it….


    …perhaps one of the most bizarre movies i have ever seen; based on the columbine killings, told from the killer’s point of view.  it was very well done. creepy and more emotionally charged than you might expect.

    vaca can begin now...

    ahhh, the sweet smell of nothingness. sleeping in, drinking tea, looking about the tower and realizing that the only things i have to do for the next 2 days involve sleeping, wrapping and cleaning. it’s good to be on vacation. you can barele see the living room floor, for all the pressies strewn about…. perhaps i should photograph for posterity. 

    3rd christmas party last night, with pressies and lasagna and veal! i am convinced i spent yesterday in a state of "snake who ate a lamb"…. it took nothing to fall asleep last night ;-) 


    christmas gift success...

    … you know the feeling - when you’ve managed to hook the most perfect pressie. the pressie to rival all pressies?  that’s the feeling that i will be basking in for the next 6 days.

    finally - i’ve got the wiz beaten.

    i am thrilled and can’t wait!!!





    loads of work.

    compounded by loads of life stuff.

    there isn’t enough time.

    my head is going to pop off; or else i will rip it off and throw it at someone. 

    i need a tea and some jule time. 


    9 more sleeps...

    … aren’t you excited? ;-)

    1 christmas party down, a few more to go… then santa, and a new year. 



    … it’s absolutely freezing today - forget what i said earlier, i need to bundle up big time to walk the small dog. The lake is steaming, beautifully steaming, this morning. Yes, it’s too cold to take the camera outside and prove it.

    … it’s my last day of pseudo vacation… and now that the tree is decorated, and the house is reasonably festive, all i have to do is take the wiz out for lunch, do some shopping and stop in at AT&T to say hi to a few folks, and have a meeting with one of them.  A work related meeting, to try an ensure we are doing the right things for 2006. And then more shopping.  ;-) 


    move over earl grey...

    chaispice.jpg… i’ve fallen in love.  With a new Tea…. Chai Spice Black Tea.  It’s incredible. You have no idea - until you’ve tried it… and i HIGHLY recommend it. It’s tea, with a twist.  Go - brew some!

    It was only one of my finds yesterday, whilst shopping for holiday laughter… i managed to pull together a few other giggles as well, plus one holler for me - i picked up the new Amityville Horror on DVD. I hollered, and then the wiz hollered. And then we giggled like anything… well, ok I giggled. I don’t remember the original very well, but i remembered being scared senseless.  This one was very well done, and in the end…. well, I can’t very well tell you the ending now, can I?



    toronto.jpgThere is ice in the lake now.  Not thick ice, but ice that moans and creaks because of it’s thin-ness…. and it’s only the beginning of december…. 2 years ago i was walking the smapper with a sweater on christmas eve, last year i was walking her with an old university of guelph jacket - this year i swear i will be fully decked out in blizzard gear. Mind you, this year i have appropriate footwear… not the DocMartens from years gone by ;-)

    Today - our very first adventure into getting a christmas tree.  I know - we will be tight on space, but methinks it will be worth it mightily. And it will just be a wee tree…. and of course, we will still decorate the honorary white oleander ;-) Who says you can’t make almost anything festive? :-) 


    vaca time

    …. and i sit, cleaning up remnants of work related explosions…. thinking i should be tossing this laptop under the couch and heading off to pick up trinkets and bits of laughter for christmas…. and to do work on a day off is counter productive…. but i have yet more to do before the holiday purchase spree begins.


    so what do YOU want for christmas? 




    last day...

    before 4 days of vacation.

    i canna wait. despite a lingering malaise that is easy to attribute to being run down and cold-y, i am quite looking forward to not doing work related schtuff for a few days ina row…. now it’s all about christmas shopping and getting a tree and doing that sort of stuff…




    24 hours...

    0773758690.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpgi’ve been immersed in training for the past day… very apropos training, of managing through change….  I  always have enjoyed and appreciated the facilitators at Horn…

    And they never cease to amaze me with their insight and enthusiasm. I have no idea how they get to be the way they are…. but they are always outstanding.  I leave the sessions, and ALWAYS walk home, if only to mull over the day in peace, watching the water and ruminating… yes, bovine like, sheesh. 



    and now the bad news....


    wish list.....

    1. rechargeable battery for a cannon rebel digital SLR26_31735-0009_3.jpg
    2. camera bag
    3. mini food chopper = multiple speeds
    4. hand blender
    5. or this hand blender is cool
    6. DKNY Be Delicious PerfumeEB05IS_0107866_100C1
    7. Book: American Psycho
    8. Book: A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon
    9. socks
    10. DVDs: The War of the Worlds or Lord of War
    11. mittens/gloves
    12. black v-neck sweater vest
    13. fun slippers from la senza 
    14. comfy fun night shirt
    15. wrought iron door stopper
    16. tranquil moments sound system, with wave sounds and rain and tropical forests and rivers and whatnot…
    17. a new kettle


    stella on tap...

    contents_01.gif…. my weakness.

    what should have been 2 quick beers and home to catch up on dusting turned into 4.5 pints and a few hours of hilarity, not to mention some oustanding alligator bites… good cgi folks, and i even met some interesting people from the movie industry…. but of course, i was too cool to ask them the name of the movie they just finished working on ;-)

    and today was all about catching up on what was in short demand since last weekend with the chickadees - sleep and schnuggles and eating crazy assortments…. tommorow - more of the same, please!



    not the usual thursday...

    … last night i ventured out in the first real snowstorm of the year, with a motley crew of wild women to see other women fully clothed.

    it was quite outstanding. the giggles and hilarity were good for the soul.

    we all need more giggles.

    and much more hilarity. 


    my berry died...

    … and i am feeling a little lost without it…..

    tomorrow i will revive it. 


    about long scarves....

    .. note to self.


    one must remember to tie one’s long scarf securely when one is pooper scooping.

    ‘nuff said. 


    a sign of the times...

    33550-215430-thumbnail.jpgmethinks we’re not going to be in kansas for much longer toto… the winds of change are starting to gust… hang on tight. Umbrellas likely won’t help.

    Main Entry:  

    Part of Speech:  noun 1
    Definition:  alteration
    Synonyms:  about-face, addition, adjustment, advance, break, compression, contraction, conversion, correction, development, difference, distortion, diversification, diversity, enlargement, innovation, metamorphosis, modification, modulation, mutation, novelty, permutation, reconstruction, refinement, remodeling, reversal, revision, revolution, shift, surrogate, switch, tempering, transformation, transition, transmutation, turn, turnover, variance, variation, variety, vicissitude


    ... coming to town...

    33550-215438-thumbnail.jpg… santa clause, that is….

    and it’s going to be a lovely, festive day. not too cold, yet cold enough to bundle up…  it’s the one day of the year that i don’t mind sitting on a curb - with enthusiasm….

    photos to follow.