Bits of Stuff
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    Can you cry under water?

    … just another of those imponderables that seem to be plagueing me of late…..


    Once you’re in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you
    were buried in for eternity???


    chickadee weekend.....

    …. and last night was the first night ever that i went out, and let dad have a "gurls night in" with the chickadees.

    Bizarro evening. Enough said.  And when I got home, i kissed the chicks goodnight, made a jelly sammy and also hit the hay.  Morning came fast.   


    my wednesday night

    no - i was *not* watching LOST:


    I screamed.
    I cried.
    I swore like a sailor.
    I found pliers.
    I found duct tape.
    I am better.


    i'm beat.

    even my eyelashes are tired.



    i’m not ready.

    well - of course i am - but i have a boatload of things to do in the next 2 days - and it’s not funny!!!  :-)  Oh me and my overly ambitious self.  For Shame.

    And it ‘s raining today - so no car wash for me. 


    4 day weeks....

    … sometimes are just a little too short for my taste….. not enough time, too much stress stuff… and all of a sudden it’s friday again!  In a perfect world, this would, of course, be ideal.  In my world… there are weeks that i wish would go on for 11 days or more….


    Likely it has something to do with lots of started projects, and not enough time to finish them.



    g'morning you!


    yes, i saw your leetle digital footprints…. :-)  that is sooo cute :-) 

    leetle lost bat
    this is the real leetle bat…. he’s in another spot again… looks like he’s had a rough go of it.


    and this is the back yard - with LOADS of dew… wet toes on both gurl and dog this morning…..


    Chevy looking….

    Chevy - posing at the top of the stairs this morning…. she saw someone far down the walk, right after i took this picture, and she ran to him, thinking it was you, someone she recognized :-)

     ooops - you aren’t supposed to see my "paint cart….33550-183460-thumbnail.jpg 


    survivor or victim?

    this morning, walking the smapp, we came upon a little baby bat, stuck like glue to the outside staircase at home… we gave it a wide berth, and continued on, hoping that it would find it within itself to get to a better place to nap away the day.

    this aft, in full, super cooker sun, it was still there, upside down, eyes tightly shut… we gave it a wide berth, and continued on, wondering how on earth it could be surviving, and what is making it stick to the wall.

    tonight, now 2 hours past sunset, it’s still there… we are still giving it a wide berth, but now i wonder - what would happen if i gave it a little poke, like with a spatula, or something longer, like a broom?

    it’s not a vampire bat - everyone knows vampires turn to dust in sunlight :-)

    i think it’s a "little brown bat"





    tommy lee jones...

    i think it started in grade 12, my obsession with TLJ.  an odd interest for an 18 year old girl,if there ever was one… but there’s something about him….  his seriousness, his bizarre sense of humour… something.


    regardles, i’ve cultivated this "hobby for the past 15 odd years. and tonight, to keep the flame alive i watched man of the house.  one should never see tommy lee with a mud mask or cucumbers on his eyes.  sweet jesus, they showed cheerleaders plucking his earhair… is nothing sacred any more?it was sacriledge.

    this is the real tommy:

    …Was the studio’s original (and preferred) choice to play Snake Plisken in John Carpenter’s Escape from New York Kurt Russell, who ultimately got the part, because of his previous work. (1981). The studio was reluctant to cast

    that being said, i still have a smile on my face.  tommy can do that. 


    amazing finds

    ohmigod - if i hadn’t played with it for 20 minutes (when i should have been walking the dog), i would have never believed it.



    early bedtimes...

    make for early wakings… especially when the other body in the bed refuses to be quiet for any period of time…. and so - here i be on an early saturday morning…. it’s still quiet and peaceful, but that will only last until the chickadees swoop in later, looking for fun and attention and entertainment.  alas, they will swoop out 24 hour later, eaving a mess of droppings and stray feathers. :-)

    and then i am all on my own for 2 weeks.  i am teetering between being giddy with delight and morose with loneliness…. we shall see.  teetering and tottering is what life’s all about. 

    walking the smapp this morning was surreal - everything was diffused with gold light and whisps of fog.  the waterfront is peaceful at 7 am on a saturday, of that there is no doubt…. the only path i crossed was that of an early morning photographer… and he and i both continued on our way. 



    happy birthday sara-belly



    … the lady at tim horton’s doesn’t even need to ask me what i’d like - she’s already got me punched in, and she’s pouring the triple triple as i approach the counter.

    normally this likely wouldn’t impress people - but i go to what is likely the busiest tim horton’s in toronto - in the metro centre…. and it’s impressive that of the thousands of people who get served there daily, she knows i want an extra large triple triple…. 

    it’s a small thing. but it’s a nice thing. 



    Mega_01.gifok. i love this bike.

    really, really. ok ok ok - you got me - i love it because it’s the only one that goes faster than 60 and you still don’t need a motorcycle licence for it.

    flash-II_02.gif The red one actually goes to 80 kms/hr. It’s aptly named "FLASH".

    being torn...

    …. as usual, every 7 or 8 months i get the bug to think about moving… and last week the wiz and i went east - just looking.  And we realized that there was nothing that we saw (that was in our pricerange), that we liked better than the location that we are at now….

    our locaion is outstanding. the water, the roof, the peace and quiet. (usually)

    and so i started to look and see what was in our own (backyard) community…. and there are 3 suites that are bigger and for sale…. and now i’ve spent the past few days crunching numbers and figuring out how to buy something new.  Or something else new,

    Or another 


    flick the switch

    … yesterday was hot - the good hot, where nothing is sticky, but you don’t need a long sleeve shirt to walk the smapp dog.

    And then there was rain.  

    And then this morning, it was all different, the roof was different, the lawns were different and the smapp dog had a spring in her step.  It was the arrival of fall… Somehow between 4 pm yesterday and 7 am this morning, summer disappeared behind a cloud. I didn’t get to say goodbye, but i’m not terribly sad to see it go.  Perhaps it left because i bought my first fall outfit yesterday. Silver cords from Point Zero.  I’m not a name person, but these  cords are outstanding….. now i need boots ;-)


    a new addition

    our neighbourhood is odd. odd in a good way, of course, and no one wants to really think of their neighbourhood as odd in a bad way. our neighbourhood is made up of really swanky condos and townhouses and marinas, interspersed with some co-ops and some subsidized housing.

    a few days ago, we went to a neighbourhood meeting to discuss the implications and applications of a new condo developer who wants to put up a monster condo on the water, right beside us - and right behind tip top tailor lofts. 24-37 stories of glass and concrete and nastiness…. blocking people, pets and the rest of the world from the waterfront… not to mention the poor saps who bought lofts at tiptop… for a zillion dollars, will now be starting into a reflective wall, as opposed to the vista of lake ontario. Not ideal….

    the community gathering was well turned out - folks were vocal, fired up and emotional… i’m on the fence. i’d like to see a lower building, one that is priced similarly to ours… the last think i want is something really cheap…. :-( and if there could be ammenities, that would rock. would love to be able to get a discounted fitness membership, or be able to use their cool features… oh - and if they could get a starbucks…. :-)




    i’m thrilled, can’t  you tell?




    survey says...

    ). What time do you get up? 6:24 am

    2). If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Michael Moore

    3). Gold/silver?  Silver

    4). What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Lord of War

    5). What is/are your favorite TV show(s)?  CSI, Lost, Rome, Regenesis, 24

    6). What did you have for breakfast?  XL Double Double
    7). Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? Dr Phil

    8). What inspires you? Creativity/Water views.
    9). What is your middle name? Don’t have one. If I did, it would be X.

    10). Beach, City or Country?  Beach
    11). Favorite ice cream?  Pralines and Creme.

    12). Butter, plain or salted popcorn? "Extra Butter halfway through"

    13). Favorite color? Pink
    14). What kind of car do you drive? Xterra
    15). Favorite sandwich? Veal Sangweech from California Sandwich

    16). What characteristic do you despise? Stupidity and people who think the sun revolves around them.
    17). Favorite flowers? Daliahs
    18). Where would you go on vacation? Caribbean
    19). What color is your bathroom? Red and Yellow.

    20). Favorite brand of clothing? Eddie Bauer.

    21). Where would you retire? to the cottage.
    22). Favorite day of the week? Saturday.

    23). What did you do for your last birthday?  Thai Picnic on my rooftop.
    24). Where were you born? Strathroy Ontario

    25. Favorite sport to watch? Hockey. If I have to watch a sport.

    26). Who do you least expect to send this back to you?

    27). Person you expect to send it back first? No one!! :P
    28). What fabric detergent do you use?  Cheer

    29). Coke or Pepsi? Coke
    30). Are you a morning person or a night owl? Morning.
    31). What is your shoe size? 7.5
    32). Do you have any pets? Smapp Doggy Do.

    33.) What is your favorite season?  Fall
    34). What time is it? 9:31 pm

    35). Name as it appears on birth certificate? Pfft.
    37). Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 34

    38). Kids? Pseudo kids.

    39). Hair color? Dark Brown

    40). Piercing? 4

    41). Tatoos?  Not yet.
    42). Eyes? Hazel

    43). How much do you love your job? It’s a worthy gig.
    44). Residence? Tronno.
    45). Favorite Food?  Seafood.

    46). Been to Africa?  No

    47). Been toilet papering? Nope.

    48). Have you ever been in love? Just Once.

    49). Been in a car accident?  Yes, alas.

    50). Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon Bits.

    51). Favorite saying or phrase? What’s big, what’s exciting, what’s going on?
    52). Favorite restaurant? Korean Grill House.

    53). Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Earl Grey Tea

    54.) How many times did you fail your driver’s test? None

    55.) Before this one, from whom did you get your last
    e-mail? Grocery Gateway.

    56.) Do you sing in the shower?  yes ;-)

    57.) Which store would you choose to max out your
    credit card? Pier 1 or Caban or Ikea or JCrew

    58.) What do you do most when you are bored?  Read Blogs.

    59.) Bedtime:  10:30pm bedtime on weekends

    59.) Glass half empty or half full?  Half full

    60.) If you could live anywhere in the world where
    would it be? Galveston Texas - on the beach.

    61.) Time you finished this e-mail?  9:36