Bits of Stuff
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    … the craft show was interesting, if not completely finacially fulfilling ;-)


    if anything, it was re-affirming.  in a good way. that being said, reaffirmations are always good.


    by the way - there are leetle digital footprints all over the place ;-) 



    craft fair tomorrow.

    wish me luck. 





    farm weekend

    … it was a sign of a good weekend, when we got into the car to come home… and we both looked at each other…."what is that god aweful stench????"….  and the car comes to a grinding halt…. 

    the wiz jumps out and looks at the agressive treads of his runners, and sure enough… enough manure to fertilize a corn field! no amount of scraping could get rid of the accessory.  we giggled all the way home, breathing through our mouths. 




    ….. as usual, fridays are a bit of a challenge, staying motivated and focused and pain free ;-)

     i took a cab home lat night from crock rock and had the most interesting cabbie…. he had gurl troubles, and was explaining how he was going to have to go back to pakistan to meet the "right gurl" for him… he’d had his heart broken too many times in canada…. it was a lovely cab ride.

    he got a good tip. 


    funny vs not funny


    Starter Marriage - A short-lived first marriage that ends in divorce with no kids, no property and no regrets.

    not funny:

    Rogers Wireless Cell Phone Bill: $589.93 


    guilty admission...

    … ok- i gotta spill…. since watching House of 1000 Corpses (twice), i must confess… i may  have a bit of a schoolgurl crush on Rob Zombie. I now own the DVD, thanks to the boi.

    I know.

    It’s not terribly appropriate. I think i’m ok with that. 


    live trap...

    … during an early monday morning meander with the smapper, we came across a live trap. There was someone in it.  A little black with a white stripe someone. We didn’t make a sound, and neither did he. Nor smell, either.

    We continued quietly, somberly.

    Later, this aft, the trap was gone. Somehow, i don’t feel comforted.



    word of the day

    Main Entry:   hiatus
    Part of Speech:   noun
    Definition:   interruption
    Synonyms:   aperture, blank, breach, break, chasm, discontinuity, gap, interim, interval, lacuna, lapse, opening, rift, space
    Source:   Roget’s New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.1.1)
    Copyright © 2005 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.


    so - it sort of feels like i’ve been on hiatus for a while - at least emotionally, and i suspect that it will continue for a piece…..

    someone asked me so 


    to do today?

    … let me tell you, this IS NOT one of those magical sundays where one can relax the day away.  this is one of those sundays that requires planning, execution and activity.  Yup - chickadee weekend… and the trick is to do it in less than $15 dollars a day ;-).  Now, if we were in europe, this likely wouldn’t be a problem… but we are in toronto… with chickadees… so that’s a bigger dealio…. 


    our alternatives are the science centre… the royal winter fair… and ikea.  my bet is now on ikea…. we can hit two birds with one stone - stocking stuffers for christmas and the gurls love the kids play area at ikea…..

    in theory the science centre is the best option - but considering our time and econonic limitations…. this makes the most sense….. sigh. and since we have to have the gurls home before 7 - it’s just the easiest….



    For The Record:

    A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
    A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
    A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
    You scored better than half in Nerd and Geek, earning you the title of: Modern, Cool Nerd.

    Modern, Cool Nerd
    56 % Nerd, 65% Geek, 21% Dork


    say something, damn it......

    .. i am such a huge proponent of just saying it, whatever "it" must be, if it’s bugging me, or i find myself thinking about it too long, or (heaven forbid) talking to myself about it, i eventually just have to spill "it"….

    today is one of those days when you just want to say "say it, stop thinking about it, and bitching behind my back about it"…. do it, get it out, and own up to it.




    mull of kintyre...

    .. it’s one of those afternoons when you just can’t help but want to schnuggle back with a cuppa earl and listen to the ‘pipes of mccartney….

    Been one loooooooong day - yep.  There are so many pulses, i am running out of fingers to put on them all. What, me juggle? :-)

    home juggling, work juggling, simple-just-me juggling…. 


    imagine the freedom....

    you could be anyone on the great nameless, faceless internet….. A-N-Y one…..

    instead of having this ridiculously identifiable blog - i could go out on a limb, hell, i could go into a completely different forest for that matter, and try on a completely new identity….


    it would be like multi-personality-disorder, but different…  multi-blog-personality-disorder…. pfft…

    nothing a few bottles of cab shiraz couldn’t fix. 


    sunday night slow-down

    … no no no - i said slow down, not hoe down……

    hockey on the telly - and getting ready for the onslaught of work that is guaranteed to hit tomorrow… and all when i am finally getting my big problem (TM) fixed…… yup yup, tomorrow afternoon… new flooring to cover up my embarassment. 

     the boi is blocking the tv.  he’s about 11 inches from the screen in his goalie gear, trying to make what i am sure are very significant modifications to the padding around his knees…. all i know is that he better be done his redesigns in the next 20 minutes…  Desperate Housewives will prevail over philly and ottawa.



    …. 3 meetings before noon, not to mention an emergency call before 8 am… and the panick of not being on top of everything all at once….  but my furnace is fixed.  After a week of furnace nightmares with direct energy…. we finally have progress.  And heat. And a water heater that doesn’t crash (damn GUI OS) and need rebooting after every second shower…..

    it’s damn near a perfect end to a ridiculous, head popping week…. and i look forward to 2 days of nothingness….

    between helping Mr Furnace, i spent the better part of the afternoon getting caught up with admin tasks that i’ve been avoiding for the past month, and having one eye on the telly, with the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

    It’s funny, the references that are now commonplace… like the ultimate answer to the universe, and the pre-occupation for cheese…  now all make absolute sense…..  and i find it simply lovely.  Next, with the boi out again this evening, the next movie up is CRASH .

    Zazzafooky liked it - perhaps I will as well. 


    black and orange redux

    …. we have all recovered.  the "black and orange" was a smashing success again this year…. yours truly was all glammed up with orange accessories courtesy of Sugar and Zen…. and a strappy black dress that’s hidden away until i was ready again for it… and hair that cher would have been proud of.

    the mr.  was black and orange and black, and fended for himself admirably…  he does well at events… and he’s good at knowing the perfect time to leave the fete… to get home and recouperated for the next day…. it was a long next day - but we survived….

    And it was hilarious.  Next year we will have to dance. Pffft. 

    From the Hitchhiker - how many roads must a man walk down - 42.

    Cheese Brain…. ;-) 



    7:33 am

    .. and i am standing in the tim hortons line.  Today is different.  It’s earlier, for one thing.  Today there is a homeless guy asking the people in the coffee line  for money.  He wanted to go to McDonalds. 

    I don’t know why he wasn’t asking people in the McDonald’s line for money.

    He didn’t get any change in the tim’s line.  There were whispers of calling for security.  The coffee dollies were tense.

    The last person who was asked for change responded differently from the rest.  He swore.  In turn, the homeless guy became violent and hostile. Yelling of slavery. Racial words with little meaning, at 7:33 in the morning.  Before the first triple triple.

    Tomorrow i will sleep in.

    Perhaps Second Cup as well. 



    when you open the floodgates...

    … the sympatico folks come right on in ;-)


    it’s oddly un-nerving that the week after i remove all my anti-sympatico bars and chains, they are beathing a path to my door. 


    Refreshments - Banditos

    So just how far down do you want to go
    And we can talk it out over a cup of joe
    And you can look deep into my eyes
    Like I was a super-model

    Uh huh

    Well it’s you and me baby
    No one else we can trust
    We’ll say nuthin to no one
    No how or we’ll bust
    And never crack a smile or flinch or cry
    For nobody

    Uh huh

    Well give your ID card to the border guard
    Now your alias says you’re Captain Jon Luke Picard
    Of the United Federation of Planets
    Cause he won’t speak english anyway

    Everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people
    So meet me at the mission at midnight
    We’ll divvy up there
    Everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people
    Well I got the pistol
    So I’ll keep the pesos

    Yeah and that seems fair

    So put the sugar in the tank of the sheriff’s car
    And slash the deputy’s tires
    So they won’t get very far
    When they finally get the word that there’s been a hold-up

    Uh huh

    And give your ID card to the border guard
    Now your alias says you’re Captain Jon Luke Picard
    Of the United Federation of Planets
    Cause he won’t speak english anyway

    Everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people
    So meet me at the mission at midnight
    We’ll divvy up there
    And everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people
    Well I got the pistol
    So I’ll keep the pesos
    Yeah that seems fair
    That seems fair
    And that seems fair
    Well that seems fair

    Well give your ID card to the border guard
    Now your alias says you’re Captain Jon Luke Picard
    Of the United Federation of Planets
    Cause he won’t speak english anyway

    Everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people
    So meet me at the mission at midnight
    We’ll divvy up there
    And everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people
    Well I got the pistol
    So I’ll keep the pesos
    Yeah that seems fair ….