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    « The Old Girl's Club; or Why Are Women Cruel? »

    A million years ago, human nature pitted male against male to *win* the female. Women just looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

    A million years later, the females wrestle verbally and physically for the male, regardless of whether his worth is perceived or actual. Heck - sometimes there isn't even a male involved. It's cruelty for sport.

    Today, men mostly play nicely, or not at all. Women tend to play nasty with each other, even when there's nothing at stake, and no danger, perceived or otherwise. Yes, I'll admit this is a fairly sweeping generalization, as far as generalizations go, but the truth remains: women usually speak cruelly before they speak kindly. And I'm not sure why. Full stop.

    Where is this learned?
    Perhaps this is something you grow out of to a great degree?
    Maybe it's a byproduct of a vicious circle of cruelty?
    The average woman doesn't want to see another woman succeed, or grow, or be comfortable. Silly, huh?
    Men, these conditions don't even hit their radar.
    They don't spend hours at a time conversing with others about the worthiness of members of their gender.

    If you can get yourself into the inner circle of the Old Boy's Club, you're set. Supported, fetted and included. Even if you aren't an Old Boy, there isn't anyone looking and judging. Males are agnostic. Women can gauge anything and come up with an opinion and a judgment; with a negative response greater than 50% of the time.

    There isn't an Old Girl's Club, yet. Maybe we are still evolving. We are still developing that sense of kindness usually reserved for grandmothers and babies. Our opinions are still razor sharp, not gently dulled by experience and reciprocity.
    There's no way a man would be thinking these deep thoughts on a Monday morning.

    Men, men look at each other and just shrug their shoulders.

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    Reader Comments (2)

    Initially, I wanted to vehemently disagree...and while I still do somewhat, I can concede that perhaps that's just me and the souls that I surround myself with and not really how it is "out there" in general...however, I would like to think that there are more women like me (and present company included of course)...and like these women that support their friend and artist in the most creative ways...
    September 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKSD
    I struggled with the over-arching stereotypes I thew around. ;-)
    That being said, I think that we are more of the exception than the rule. Now the trick is to not accept anything less, and, similar to what you wrote about the "Bros and Hos", to stand up and push back when evil rears it's head, ugly or otherwise!
    September 25, 2008 | Registered Commenterjules

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